Quality Control

We from Peveduto strictly control the quality of our products. For such purpose, we have a properly equipped laboratory to perform a variety of physical and chemical tests, as required by the applicable standards for ducts and pipes of high density polyethylene.

Tests performed at our products:

Smooth pipes:

-Density by displacement
-Pigment dispersion
-Dimension stability
-Fluidity rate
-Traction and yield strength
-Compression strength
-Impact strength
-Circumference shrink
-Oxidative induction time (OIT)
-Carbon black and ash rate
-Internal Hydrostatical Pressure (IHD)

Corrugated ducts:

-Density by displacement
-Fluidity rate
-Joint tightness
-Dimension stability
-Compression strength
-Impact strength (the machine requires some adjustments)
-Oxidative induction time (OIT)
-Carbon black and ash rate

The control team makes every effort to assure the quality of our products along the entire process, from the qualification of raw material suppliers to the shipping of finished products to our customers. Control routines are also improved on a continuous basis.